S.T.R.E.A.M.L.I.N.E. – A is for All Surfaces Clear

S.T.R.E.A.M.L.I.N.E. – A is for All Surfaces Clear

A – All surfaces clear Whilst working in the City many moons ago, a clear desk policy was a must. This wasn’t only to file away sensitive information, it also ensured that you would be faced with a clear desk the next day, ready to start work.We probably don’t have...
S.T.R.E.A.M.L.I.N.E. – R is for Reason for Each Item

S.T.R.E.A.M.L.I.N.E. – R is for Reason for Each Item

R – Reason for each itemWhile you are sorting through your stuff, you need to ask yourself for each and every item: what is the reason I am holding onto this.Do I use it?Do I like it?Is it really special to me?Besides the stuff we buy, it is so easy for things...
S.T.R.E.A.M.L.I.N.E. S is for Start Over

S.T.R.E.A.M.L.I.N.E. S is for Start Over

Decluttering is a growing trend – everyone seems to be on the journey one way or the other. For those of us already living a life of less, there is always room for improvement – less plastic, less food waste, less stress. Others are at the beginning of a life less...